Cambridge [Lynsey Kelly]

Young Adults - Adults - Low Mood, Anxiety & Relationship Issues | In Person & Online  

March 2024: I have current availability for in person and online therapy 

I aim to

  • Help you make sense of your experiences and how they may link to feelings of distress

  • Use everyday language to understand patterns of relationships and behaviour

  • Recognise that the society we live in can influence our way of thinking and feeling

  • Work with you to make permanent change for the better

Issues I can help with

  • Difficulties related to being a student or young adult

  • Anxiety and worry

  • Stress and burnout

  • Depression and low mood

  • Relationship and friendship issues

  • Low self esteem

  • Adversity in childhood

  • Or more generally: difficulties with rejection, people pleasing or finding it hard to manage conflict, feelings of disconnection or numbness, feeling confused or lost, and other related issues.

This is not an exhaustive list – do contact me if you’d like to know if I can help with your particular issue.

Who I work with

I work with adults of all ages who come with a range of different backgrounds, difficulties and life circumstances. I currently work as a therapist for medical students at Cambridge university and am experienced at helping students and twenty somethings navigate the challenges of young adulthood (including the significant impact of the pandemic).


Please see this page of my website

How and where I work

I will have some in-person availability from Sept 2023 in central Cambridge, on a Wednesday. I am currently setting this up and will have more details soon.

I normally meet people weekly and typically offer 16 or 24 sessions, but I am happy to be flexible if you need something different.

I have time on Wednesdays and Mondays. 

About me

I am a clinical psychologist and am regulated by the HCPC. I am accredited as a CAT practitioner. I have been working in mental health for over ten years.

I aim to be friendly and straightforward - you can probably get a better sense of me by arranging a free consultation (details below).

For more information

I am happy to offer a free 15 min consultation if you might be interested in therapy with me:

Please see my website for more info:


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