The Training Committee

The Training Committee is responsible for developing a national strategy for all levels of CAT training and accreditation - practitioner, psychotherapy, supervisor, foundation, and skills. It approves, monitors, and audits the national training programme and ensures that national standards of training are maintained.  New courses are established with the approval of the Training Committee.  The Training Committee also develops and refines policies such as the Code of Ethics for Training and Supervision.

Training Committee Terms of Reference


ACAT Officers:
Chair of Training Committee
Vice-chair of Training Committee
Vice-chair for Supervisor Training
Vice-chair for APL (Accreditation of Prior Learning)
Chair of ACAT Exam Board
Chair of ACAT
ACAT CPD Auditor
UKCP Re-accreditation Assessor
UKCP/HIPC Representative
Trainee Representative
EDIC Representative
Board of Trustees Representative
Organiser of the annual Trainers and Supervisors Event
Course Representatives:
A representative from each currently accredited training at psychotherapy, practitioner, foundation, and skills level

It is a requirement of all training courses at foundation level and above to appoint a member of their training group to represent their views and to contribute to the development of the work of the ACAT Training Committee.  The Training Committee Chair and Vice-chair are not positions which can represent regional trainings although they can be a part of such trainings.


The Training Committee meeting shall be deemed quorate when half of the officers in filled posts (minimum of 5) and at least 6 course representatives are present.


The Committee shall meet not less than three times per year.  The Chair, Vice-chair, and appointed training liaison officers are responsible for the coordination of the work of the Training Committee between meetings.


  • The committee is responsible for setting the national framework of ACAT-accredited courses, both run by ACAT alone and with partnership/host organisations, and for approving and monitoring standards on the courses, such that there is a consistency of outcome or qualification between accredited trainings
  • Where there is a duality of accreditation, eg university accreditation, UKCP, it must ensure compatibility to the twin requirements and maintain regular contact with such organisations.  Appointed officers within the Committee will liaise and report
  • The Committee does not work in isolation but must bring to the Council of Management those decisions which have a bearing on the internal organisation of ACAT, most notably its membership categories, and which may affect its standing in relation to UKCP or other registering bodies
  • The Committee is responsible for liaising with the organisations which host ACAT-accredited courses


  • Coordinating and overseeing the publicity for courses
  • Setting the entry requirements for courses
  • Monitoring and managing procedures for the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)
  • Setting the standard for the number of training and supervision hours courses are expected to meet to satisfy the criteria of registering bodies; via the provision of training handbooks
  • Approving the content of courses - psychotherapy, practitioner, supervisor, and skills
  • In conjunction with the ACAT Exam Board, establishing the level of competency expected from practitioners and psychotherapists.  The key criteria here will be judging where trainees are safe to practice and are good enough therapists rather than at a high level of expertise
  • In consultation with the ACAT Exam Board, set the requirements for the assessment of trainees
  • Monitor standards via moderators
  • Maintain links with current external accrediting bodies, eg UKCP, universities
  • Stimulate and monitor the supply and training of supervisors and approve and set standards for training
  • In consultation with the ACAT Council of Management, approve and regulate the routes to external recognition of CAT qualifications by external bodies
  • In consultation with the ACAT Board of Trustees, set ACAT/ university fees in accordance with national strategy in liaison with the ACAT Treasurer and Council of Management
  • The course directors are responsible for the financial viability of their activities and for paying registration fees for approved courses
  • Advising the ACAT Board of Trustees on matters of CPD and supervision for members

Relationship to the ACAT Exam Board

The Training Committee ensures the integrity of examination/accreditation procedures and respects the independence of the Exam Board in its execution of the same.

The Training Committee reports to

The ACAT Council of Management and Board of Trustees via the Chair of the Training Committee.


  • CAT as a model and ACAT as an association thrive by generating a sense of community.  At heart, the Training Committee is a collaborative meeting of peers
  • The Terms of Reference say that it is a requirement of training courses to appoint a member to represent their views and to contribute to the development of the work of the Training Committee.  Attendance is a requirement for at least one meeting a year.  A written report must be received in advance of the meeting and by the given submission deadline.  Written comments would be appreciated with regard to agenda items if clarity is sought.  If not present, and the Committee is quorate, there will be no appeal against votes
  • New training proposals must be presented by at least one member from the proposed training group, and preferably by all members of the core training group
  • Groups re-starting previously-agreed trainings need only inform the Committee and submit a plan, after first checking for changes in requirements
  • Papers for the Committee must be submitted to the ACAT office by the deadline for agenda items, usually 4 weeks before the meeting, to allow for circulation
  • Whilst every effort will be made to complete the agenda, there will be times when less urgent items will be held over until the next meeting


Approved by ACAT’s Council of Management on Friday 16th October 2015

Updated 2022


UK Council for Psychotherapy
ACAT Calendar for March
1919th March 2025
ACAT Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
CPD Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
2020th March 2025
CPD Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
2121st March 2025
CPD Event: CAT and Eating Disorders - offered by Catalyse
2525th March 2025
CAT Introductory Event: ACAT: Two Day Introduction to CAT - Online
CPD Event: Exploring Therapy in the Natural World - offered by the WildCAT and Nature-Based Practice SIG
3131st March 2025
CAT Introductory Event: On-demand Introductory Course to Cognitive Analytic Therapy - offered by Learn with CATO
CAT Supervisor Training: ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting
CPD Event: ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

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