ACAT offers and oversees accredited courses in CAT at four levels. ACAT also offers introductory workshops and CPD (continuing professional development) events. Local or special interest groups within ACAT may offer such introductory courses, or other CPD events.
The ACAT official document 'Levels of ACAT accredited training' is available for download from your personal home page (under 'Training' and then 'Training Resources'), and is also listed under 'Policies and official documents'
These are designed to stimulate interest in CAT and keep ACAT members up to date. They are not ACAT accredited trainings. They do not equip someone to offer CAT as a psychological therapy.
These offer professionals a chance to learn how to apply CAT contextually in different settings. These courses do not equip someone to offer CAT as a psychological therapy or describe themselves as offering CAT consultation. Rather, CAT Skills Case Management training equips a person to offer a CAT informed perspective to contextual issues within their team or service.
These offer the first foundation year credit towards the two year training, clinical experience and assessments necessary for accreditation as an ACAT accredited CAT Therapist/Practitioner. ACAT considers IAPT high intensity therapists or counsellors who have completed Foundation courses as equipped to offer CAT under supervision in the IAPT setting.
This level of training leads to full accreditation and membership of ACAT, allowing current ACAT members to use the titles ACAT accredited CAT Therapist/Practitioner. Graduates can offer CAT as a psychological therapy to individuals. CAT Therapists/Practitioners can also offer therapy to couples, and to clients in groups, after gaining appropriate experience and supervision. ACAT views this level of training as adequate to offer CAT reflective practice groups for professionals.
As members of ACAT, CAT Practitioners/Therapists remain in clinical supervision for their CAT work. They adhere to the ACAT Code of Ethics and Practice, and are insured for their practice.
The Centre for Workforce Intelligence (CfWI) recognises the titles CAT Practitioner/Therapist as training as a Psychological Therapist.
ACAT accredited CAT Therapists/Practitioners can train as CAT Supervisors following further clinical experience.
If you are training in CAT it is important that your CAT personal development (therapy or personal reformulation) is conducted by a current ACAT accredited CAT Therapist/Practitioner. You must also seek supervision by a current ACAT accredited Supervisor.
This further two year advanced training, leading to the title ACAT accredited Psychotherapist, is the basis of an ACAT member gaining full registration with the UKCP as a Psychotherapist. Members qualified at this level may also offer personal therapy, and if also an ACAT accredited Supervisor, supervision for ACAT Psychotherapist trainees.
ACAT Therapists and Psychotherapists have their practice regularly audited, for protection of the public. Whilst wanting to promote CAT as a therapeutic intervention, ACAT takes issues of training, experience and competence seriously. If ACAT are informed of misrepresentation then they will draw this to people’s attention.
November 2019
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