Dr Aaron Balick
'404 Error – Intimacy Not Found: How technology is undermining our capacity for relational complexity – and what to do about it'
In an era where digitally mediated networks appear to make connection so much easier, why is it that we’re more relationally disconnected than ever? In this keynote talk, Dr. Aaron Balick explores how technology—from dating apps and social media to pornography and AI—reshapes our capacity for interpersonal intimacy. Frictionless communication alongside access to a seemingly endless choice of others can shallow relational depth and undermine the capacity for deeper interpersonal complexity. From the tantalising transformational object that lurks behind the Tinder profile to the always-available AI companion that understands you better than anyone real – today’s tech is engineered to bypass the difficult but necessary work required for developing authentic mutual relating and intimacy. Attendees will gain fresh insights into the unconscious dynamics that underlie digital mediated relationships and equip them to better incorporate this understanding in their work with their clients.
Dr Aaron Balick is a psychotherapist, author, and thought leader exploring the psychological impact of technology on relationships, culture, and work. With a background in depth psychology and psychoanalysis, Aaron brings an insightful and engaging perspective to how digital culture shapes our emotional lives. His acclaimed book, The Psychodynamics of Social Networking, unpacks the unconscious forces at play in our online interactions, while his self-help work translates complex psychological ideas into accessible wisdom. As a sought-after speaker and consultant, he works with organisations to build emotionally intelligent workplaces and helps audiences navigate the challenges of human connection in a tech-mediated world.
Dr Rosemary Parkinson
CAT therapist and supervisor
Domestic abuse researcher
'Using cognitive analytic theory to understand the process of change in victims of subtle abuse'
Victims of abuse are changed by their experiences. How does this change occur, and can we use cognitive analytic theory to explain this process? This talk will present a new CAT conceptualisation of the process of change that occurs in victims of abuse. The new conceptualisation has been created from Rosemary Parkinson’s recent doctoral research conducted with women of high educational and socio-economic status who have experienced solely subtle abuse in their intimate heterosexual relationships. Through therapist understanding of this process of change clients can be helped to realise what has happened to them. Such realisation is the first step to enabling them to make an informed decision about their futures.
Rosemary has been a psychotherapist for nearly 30 years and is a CAT therapist and supervisor. She has worked as a therapist in GP practices, setting up and running primary care therapy services, in the University of Cambridge Staff Counselling Service, latterly as the head of service, and in private practice. She recently completed a doctoral study into the experience of subtle abuse of women of high educational and socio-economic status (HESES) in intimate heterosexual relationships. The study followed her identification of women presenting in therapy with depression, anxiety, anger and low self-esteem, whose symptoms were caused by subtle abuse from their partners. Rosemary’s doctorate at the University of East Anglia used interviews with victims of abuse and therapists to investigate the phenomenon of subtle abuse of women of HESES. Today’s talk focuses on a CAT understanding of the process of change that occurs in victims of subtle abuse which Rosemary has developed from her doctoral work.
Caroline Greenwood Dower
'Being-with and Separating-from: Anxiety as the quality of our openness to the world and to ourselves'
Picking up the conference theme of Troubled Relationships I will present my research on anxiety in young adults. Anxiety, in our culture and in our consulting rooms, both emerges from and contributes to significant disruption to our sense of connectedness to the world and our capacity to engage constructively with the world. Crucially, anxiety is also the quality of our self-to-self relationship. CAT theory, and my developing integration of phenomenological and enactive approaches, informed the research. Whilst this was not research on a recognisably-CAT intervention, the findings illuminate exciting avenues for the development of CAT theory and CAT methods.
Dr Reenee Singh
'Intercultural Couples: Challenges and Resiliencies'
Intercultural couple relationships are on the rise, in the UK and all over the world. Although intercultural couples have many strengths and resiliencies, they also face unique challenges. In this presentation, I will provide a theoretical and research overview of intercultural couples and the themes and processes in clinical practice. I will use clinical vignettes and extracts from films to highlight the challenges that intercultural couples experience. I will end by an exploration of visual and representational methods in clinical practice.
Dr. Reenee Singh is a Consultant Family and Couples Systemic Psychotherapist, with over 30 years of clinical experience. Reenee was the former CEO of the Association of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice and the former Editor of the Journal of Family Therapy. She is currently working at the Child and Family Practice in London, where she is the founding Director of the London Intercultural Couples Centre. She has written and edited four books and teaches all over the world. You can find out more about Reenee and her work through her website: www.reeneesingh.com or through her Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reenee_Singh
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