1.1. Register as a User of the site - FREE
We warmly invite you to register as a User of the Site – this is FREE of charge and if you are new to the site and therefore not a trainee or other member of ACAT you may find it helpful. It will allow us to provide you with additional functions and services through the site – for example it will allow you to book into our events online. All you need to do is register your name, postal address and email here. Once registered, you can apply to become a 'Friend of ACAT' if you wish:
1.2. Friend of ACAT - a non-membership category for those with an interest in CAT.
The annual fee to be a Friend of ACAT is currently £50 per year.
A Friend of ACAT is a non-membership category for people who have an interest in CAT and the aims and objectives of ACAT but who are not trained or qualified in CAT. It is required that any person applying to be a Friend of ACAT is obliged to disclose if they have been disciplined or struck off by any professional or regulatory body or have any suspensions or restrictions in place. ACAT also reserves the right to withold or withdraw Friend of ACAT status at any time at its sole discretion. Any such decision is final.
As a Friend you will be able to participate in the ACAT community. Once you‘ve registered as a Site User you can then apply to become a Friend of ACAT and make payment using your credit or debit card using our secure payment facility. Click to become a Friend of ACAT NOW ... pay here.
As a Friend, you will receive the following benefits:
Accredited categories of Membership
Note: ACAT has been recognised by the Centre for Workforce Intelligence (CfWI) allowing CAT Therapists / Practitioners to use the protected title Psychological Therapist
2.1. CAT Therapist / Practitioner Membership (Voting)
2.2. CAT Psychotherapist Membership (Voting)
A Voting Full Membership of ACAT by virtue of having completed practitioner or psychotherapy training in CAT and gaining ACAT accreditation.
CAT Therapist / Practitioner Membership is currently £110.
CAT Psychotherapist Membership is currently £165.
Trainee categories of Membership
2.3. Practitioner CAT Trainee Membership (Non-Voting)
A Trainee Member of ACAT who is currently registered as undertaking an ACAT accredited therapist / practitioner training or working for accreditation through Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning. This is a non-voting category.
Practitioner Trainee Membership is currently £87.
2.4. Foundation CAT Trainee Membership (Non-Voting)
A Trainee Member of ACAT who is currently registered as undertaking a foundation training or working for accreditation through Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning. This is a non-voting category.
Foundation Trainee Membership is currently £87.
Once accredited, Foundation CAT Trainees may retain this same category of membership (Foundation Trainee) for a maximum of six years – see below.
If Foundation Graduates wish to remain trainee members of ACAT, then they would be required to be in regular supervision in line with ACAT CPD policy for a minimum of 1.5 hrs per month. They can then practice CAT within their core profession/professional role as trainee members of ACAT under supervision with an accredited CAT therapist/supervisor.
If graduates of CAT Foundation courses later go on to do a CAT Therapist/Practitioner second year of training, there is a total six year registration period from the start of the Foundation Course to completion of the second year of CAT Practitioner training.
If they choose not to do further training, the CAT trainee membership will end after a maximum total of three years (one year foundation training followed by two years after) or before if the trainee wishes. If graduates of foundation courses do not wish to remain trainee members of ACAT after the one year course, they can become a 'Friend of ACAT' and can use CAT concepts within their professional role.
Non-practising Membership
2.5. Non-practising Membership (Non-Voting) for CAT Therapist / Practitioner or CAT Psychotherapist Members
Non-practising Membership of ACAT is for CAT Therapist / Practitioner or CAT Psychotherapist members who are in situations requiring extended non-practising leave such as maternity, adoption, illness, family crisis, formal sabbatical, etc.
The Non-practising Membership Fee is currently £32 per annum.
To apply for Non-practising Membership please email alison.marfell@acat.me.uk
Retired Membership
2.6. Retired Membership (Non-Voting)
A Retired Member of ACAT who is fully retired from CAT practice and who wishes to keep in touch with ACAT. It will include 'Reformulation'.
Retired Membership Fee is currently £32.
Life Membership
2.7. Life Membership of ACAT (Voting)
Life Membership can be awarded to any person who has, in the opinion of the Trustees, made an exceptional contribution to the work of the Charity or the promotion of its objects. It will be conferred as a mark of recognition and will not be an automatic progression. Life Membership is a fully voting membership.
Senior Non-Clinical Membership
2.8 Senior Non-Clinical Membership
This new category of membership was agreed at ACAT's AGM in 2022 but is not yet available. This page will be updated once arrangements are in place.
This is a new level of membership for Senior ACAT members who may be nearing or in retirement. The lower age-range is 60. This will enable continuation of membership of ACAT for those who wish to remain active in roles such as supervision or teaching, but who are no longer engaged in clinical practice. By holding an ACAT Senior Non-Clinical Membership, you will continue demonstrating your commitment to the promotion of psychotherapy practice.
Supervision and CPD requirements will be appropriate to work undertaken, with a minimum of 16 hours CAT specific CPD. It is recommended to meet with an accredited supervisor a minimum of 2 hours a year and submit a CPD log to the Auditors at renewal of membership. To continue to maintain public liability insurance to the level required for role.
The initial membership fee is £65.00 per annum.
For Psychotherapist, Practitioner, Life, Trainee Foundation and Trainee Practitioner Members include
If your accredited ACAT Membership has lapsed and you would like to rejoin ACAT, please go to the next page for full information: Lapsed Accredited ACAT Membership and Rejoining Process
It is important to note that whilst lapsed, in a non-practising period, or when a re-joining member, ie not a full member of ACAT:
1. You may not make any claim or advertisement that you are a member of ACAT, or that any work you do is approved or endorsed by ACAT
2. Any work you do whilst not a full member of ACAT will not in the future count towards any accreditation you may wish to pursue (eg Foundation, Practitioner, Psychotherapist or Supervisor accreditation).
3. Any work you do whilst not a member of ACAT will not count towards others' accreditations (eg, if you supervise or train (in any capacity) any Foundation, CAT Practitioner, Psychotherapist, Supervisor or Skills trainees, or offer training therapies).
Following the UK’s departure from the EU on 31st December 2020, consent is now required for ACAT to keep information about a member residing or working in the EU. To enable ACAT to hold and process this information, the document 'GDPR – ACAT and the European Union' will need to be signed and returned to the ACAT Office: admin@acat.me.uk. You can access the document by clicking on the link above. It's also available on the 'Policies and Official Documents' page of the ACAT website:
Do not hesitate to contact ACAT Administration if you have any membership queries.
31st March 2025
ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting
31st March 2025
ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting
2nd April 2025
ACAT: Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential
2nd April 2025
ACAT: Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential
8th May 2025
CAT and Reflective Practice: Skills for Facilitation - offered by Catalyse
17th May 2025
EDI Race and Culture CPD workshop - offered by CAT Cumbria
22nd May 2025
ACAT: The embodiment of reciprocal roles as a reflective
23rd May 2025
29th ACAT National Conference
23rd May 2025
Annual General Meeting
23rd May 2025
ACAT National Conference 2025
20th June 2025
CAT in the Perinatal Period - offered by Catalyse
8th July 2025
ACAT: Two Day Introduction to CAT - Online
9th September 2025
ACAT: Two Day Introduction to CAT - Online
18th September 2025
Restoring Regenerating and Rewilding residential - offered by the WildCAT SIG
9th October 2025
Catalyse CAT Practitioner Training 2025-27
11th October 2025
Developing the CAT model CPD workshop - offered by CAT Cumbria
11th November 2025
ACAT: Two Day Introduction to CAT - Online
12th January 2026
Newcastle & NHSE (North East) CAT Practitioner Training 2026-2027
This site has recently been updated to be Mobile Friendly. We are working through the pages to check everything is working properly. If you spot a problem please email support@acat.me.uk and we'll look into it. Thank you.