CAT Supervisor Training:  Guidelines for Training

The usual pathway for training as a CAT Supervisor is that

  • You will be a CAT Practitioner or a CAT Psychotherapist
  • You have prior experience of offering clinical supervision.
  • You will have completed a minimum of 16 CAT cases under supervision: 8 CAT Practitioner training cases and 8 completed post accreditation. 

It is expected that these cases will normally have been seen within the three years prior to application for supervisor training. The latter 8 cases would normally be supervised by an accredited or trainee CAT supervisor. Where this has not been possible for all eight of the latter cases the person who provided supervision must have extensive experience of CAT practice and supervision in general, or this may have been provided through well-managed peer supervision. Please see the information provided in section 3 of the handbook or contact the Vice Chair for Supervisor Trainng to discuss your situation

Supervisor training is an apprenticeship and follows a modular approach in which an Apprentice Supervisor creates a training plan with a Senior Supervisor from a series of six modules to include a minimum of ten contact days as part of the overall training portfolio. 

Modules 1-3 are mandatory for ACAT accredited supervisor training, comprising six contact days. Apprentice Supervisors select from Modules 4-6 to make up the additional four contact days requirements. The modular approachis described in the handbook and accepts ‘credits’ for prior generic training in supervision (Module 1) that Apprentice Supervisors have attended.

How do I begin supervisor training? 

You will need to:

  • Identify a Senior Supervisor
  • Make an application to begin CAT Supervisor Training outlining your personal training plan

The fee is currently £350.

Once approved you will work through  your training plan supported by a Senior Supervisor

  • Please note that although this is the usual pathway for Supervisor Training, you may not be able to proceed in this way due to various factors, for example
  • You may attend Module 2 (ACAT supervisor training workshop) prior to completing your 16 cases due to the timing/availability of the course or because funding is available
  • You may choose to attend Module 2 purely as CPD, as you are not sure if you will apply to train to do the full supervisor training apprenticeship at that stage
  • There may be a delay in setting up and running your own group (Module 3) so you cannot move straight from completion of Module 2 to the next modules

Supervisor training may therefore run over a longer period of time and reflect a more varied route.  These situations are discussed in the Handbook and you can get in touch with queries about your situation.

ACAT Accredited Supervisor Training Pathway for CAT Psychotherapists

The ACAT CAT Psychotherapy training fulfils modules 4-6 of the ACAT Supervisor Training. CAT Psychotherapists wishing to train as an ACAT accredited supervisor are required to complete only Modules 1-3 and submit a reflective statement.

Module 1: Submit the ACAT Supervisor Training application form detailing prior training in clinical supervision and experience of providing supervision as this can be used as credit and may meet the necessary competences of Module 1. (Payment of £200 fee to ACAT on application to commence training.)

Module 2: Attend an ACAT accredited Relational Skills Training and complete a short reflective statement (1000 words) of their experience of the training shared with their Senior Supervisor. (Payment of additional fee to course centre.)

Module 3: Supervise 3-6 complete CAT cases within a 2–3-member supervision group with the supervision of their Senior Supervisor (minimum 6hrs supervision over 6 months). Use the Supervisor Competences checklist with their Senior Supervisor and use the supervisee feedback forms with their supervisees. Both are available in the Supervisor Training Handbook or as downloads on the ACAT website.

See section 2.1 of the Supervisor Training Handbook for full details of this pathway.

The Supervisor Training Handbook

The Supervisor Training Handbook and separate appendices are available to download at the end of this page or from the 'Training' section of your personal home page (please note, you will need to be logged-in to view). The Handbook contains information about the training from the application and planning stage through to completion.  It also includes all the forms and guidance that you need along with the assessment and review process.    

Module 2 ACAT Supervisor Training

Module 2 is an ACAT accredited course for trainee supervisors which runs approximately every 9 months.  Trainee supervisors need to attend this course prior to running your own supervision group.  They are usually offered as a residential course over 2.5 days (e.g. in Evesham) or non-residential (e.g. in Manchester or London) as a 2 day training with a ½ day follow up arranged with the group.  Module 2 rraining courses currently offered are detailed at the end of this webpage - please click on the individual links for further information.

Queries relating to applications or the training pathway may be sent to the Vice-chair for Supervisor Training via Maria Cross

The supervisor training documents are also available under 'Training' and 'Training Resources' on your personal home page once logged-in.

For the dates of forthcoming Exam Board meetings, and the accreditation submission deadlines (set at least three weeks before the meeting):, or contact


Updated July 2023

CAT Supervisor Training Courses

ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting || 31-03-25

Pembroke College, University of Oxford, OX1 1DW From 12 noon on Monday to 4.30pm Tuesday The Trainers’ and Supervisors’ meeting, in its inspiring, welcoming, and accessible location at Pembroke College, Oxford, is open to all CAT traine...

ACAT: Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential || 02-04-25

Booking closing 26th Feb 2025 Holland House, Main Street, Cropthorne, Pershore, WR10 3NB 4.30 pm Wednesday 2nd April to 3.00 pm Friday 4th April 2025 Cost: £420 online booking / £435 invoice booking (inclusive of full board for two nig...

UK Council for Psychotherapy
ACAT Calendar for March
1919th March 2025
ACAT Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
CPD Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
2020th March 2025
CPD Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
2121st March 2025
CPD Event: CAT and Eating Disorders - offered by Catalyse
2525th March 2025
CAT Introductory Event: ACAT: Two Day Introduction to CAT - Online
CPD Event: Exploring Therapy in the Natural World - offered by the WildCAT and Nature-Based Practice SIG
3131st March 2025
CAT Introductory Event: On-demand Introductory Course to Cognitive Analytic Therapy - offered by Learn with CATO
CAT Supervisor Training: ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting
CPD Event: ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting

Our Next 2 CAT Supervisor Trainings

31st March 2025
ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting

2nd April 2025
ACAT: Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential


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