Lapsed Accredited Membership of ACAT - and how to rejoin

Information and arrangements for accredited members whose membership has lapsed and who wish to rejoin ACAT

1.  Rejoining Process 
2.  Fees Payable
3.  Rejoining Membership
4.  Practice Terms whilst Lapsed, Non-Practising or a Re-joining Member

1.  Rejoining Process for CAT Therapists / Practitioners and Psychotherapists

We are always pleased to welcome back to ACAT those people whose membership has lapsed (ie longer than the current membership year) and we hope you will find ACAT’s rejoining process as straight-forward as possible.  This process is in place to ensure that those returning to CAT and ACAT membership are fully up to speed with current CAT thinking, supervision and CPD so that training and practice standards are maintained. 

If your membership has lapsed, please in the first instance contact the ACAT office by email (   Alison will send you information about ACAT’s rejoining process, ACAT’s CPD and supervision policies and a rejoining form asking about any CAT activity during the period of lapse together with future plans for practice, CPD and supervision.  On receipt, this information will be forwarded to the Chair of the Exam Board who is the person in ACAT with responsibility for membership.

Once reviewed, if the lapsed member is considered fully “up to speed” on CAT practice, CPD and supervision, approval will be given for full membership re-instatement (please see section 2 - fees payable). 

If it is considered that the member is not fully meeting membership requirements then a rejoining plan with a planned completion date will be agreed. The member would then become a “Rejoining Member” until the objectives of the plan are met and full membership reinstatement is approved (please see Section 2 - fees payable).  During this time, the Rejoining Member will be listed on ACAT’s Register of Members (publicly available) but within the “Rejoining Members” Section separate to the Psychotherapist / Practitioner listings. They will not be eligible for the Private Practice (Find a Therapist or Find a Supervisor) list during this time. 

2.  Rejoining Fees Payable

At this stage, once either full membership reinstatement or rejoining membership is agreed, membership fees become payable.  ACAT adopts a continuous membership approach for maintenance of training and practice standards and our policy with regards to those rejoining is as follows:

For those whose membership has lapsed one or two complete membership years, the following rejoining fees are payable.  The current year's membership is also payable.  Therefore,
For Practitioners, the fee due will be 1 or 2 times the annual membership fee valid at the time dependent on the period of lapse:  ie 2 x £93 = £186 plus the current year
For Psychotherapists, the fee will be 1 or 2 times the annual membership fee valid at the time dependent on the period of lapse:  ie 2 x £157 = £314 plus the current year

For those whose membership has lapsed three or more complete membership years there is a capped flat fee charged to cover the whole lapsed period:
For Practitioners:  £210 plus the current year
For Psychotherapists:  £350 plus the current year

Please note:  these fees are as 17 February 2017 and will be adjusted if membership fees generally change.

3.  Rejoining Membership

For “Rejoining Members” ie those who are required to complete the requirements of a rejoining plan working towards full membership, the member will contact ACAT once s/he feels requirements are met (within the plan period).  The Chair of the Exam Board will audit and review and if approval is given then the member will gain full membership and be listed in the Register of Members.  If it is felt further activity may be required then a revised plan and completion date will be agreed.  It is anticipated that any rejoining plan and extended rejoining plan will be fully completed and approved within a year of commencement. 

4.  Practice Terms whilst Rejoining or Lapsed

Practice Terms for those with a lapse of two complete membership years or less:
For those with membership fully reinstated within two years of lapse then payment of the appropriate rejoining fees ensures continuous membership and all work, training etc during that time can be counted as if a full member.  Training of self and others during the current year of full membership reinstatement will be fully included.

Practice Terms for those with a lapse of three complete membership years or more:
For those with membership fully reinstated but with a lapse of three or more years, then any work / training during the period of lapse over two years cannot be counted.  The payment of the capped flat fee ensures that work, training etc during the most recent two years of lapse will be counted as a full member.  Training of self and others during the current year of full membership reinstatement will be fully included.

Re-joining Members:  Terms
The Rejoining Member will be listed on ACAT’s Register of Members (publicly available) but within the “Rejoining Members” Section separate to the Psychotherapist / Practitioner listings. They will not be eligible for the Private Practice (Find a Therapist or Find a Supervisor) list during this time.  

Please do not hesitate to contact ACAT Administration if you have any queries.
Tel:  07379 359728

It is important to note that whilst lapsed, in a non-practising period or when a rejoining member ie not a full member of ACAT:

1.  You may not make any claim or advertisement that you are a member of ACAT, or that any work you do is approved or endorsed by ACAT

2.  Any work you do whilst not a full member of ACAT will not in the future count towards any accreditation you may wish to pursue (eg Foundation, Practitioner, Psychotherapist or Supervisor accreditation). 

3.  Any work you do whilst not a member of ACAT will not count towards others' accreditations (eg, if you supervise or train (in any capacity) any CAT Foundation, Practitioner, Psychotherapist, Supervisor or Skills trainees, or offer training therapies).


UK Council for Psychotherapy
ACAT Calendar for March
1919th March 2025
ACAT Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
CPD Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
2020th March 2025
CPD Event: ACAT Review Members Engagement Event
2121st March 2025
CPD Event: CAT and Eating Disorders - offered by Catalyse
2525th March 2025
CAT Introductory Event: ACAT: Two Day Introduction to CAT - Online
CPD Event: Exploring Therapy in the Natural World - offered by the WildCAT and Nature-Based Practice SIG
3131st March 2025
CAT Introductory Event: On-demand Introductory Course to Cognitive Analytic Therapy - offered by Learn with CATO
CAT Supervisor Training: ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting
CPD Event: ACAT: Trainers and Supervisors Meeting

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

News from ACAT

Click to read all news


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