ACAT will be moving to a new web site on Thursday, 10th April.
In preparation, from Friday, 4th April this old web site will not let members renew their membership, and any other changes members make, e.g. their personal details, will get ‘lost in the move’.
Urgent membership renewals should instead be done by contacting Alison Marfell.
The ACAT Council of Management has responsibility for the day to day running of ACAT.
Members are co-opted, and as listed below.
The work of the Council of Management is conducted by periodic remote meetings and interim email communication. The Council also meets with the Trustees three times per year.
The work undertaken by the CoM covers a wide range of topics, from overseeing issues such as the impact of regulation on ACAT, conference, appointments to ACAT, organisation reviews, Charity application etc. It is involved in the development of new policies and revision of existing ones such as the Codes of Practice in the context of legislation or change of practice from other bodies such as the UKCP.
The Council aims to keep in touch with members in different ways – keeping you fully informed and up to date on key decisions from Trustees and Council of Management through the Chair’s newsletter in Reformulation and on the website, and through the e-newsletter twice a year. Please feel free to contact the ACAT office with queries.
The Composition of the Council of Management
ACAT Chair (Chair of Council of Management)
ACAT Vice-chair
Other Trustees as required
Chair of Training Committee
Chair of Exam Board
Clinical and Lay Chairs of the Ethics Committee
Chair of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC)
UKCP (HIPC) Rep (Trustee)
ACAT Administration Manager
ACAT’s appointed Data Protection Officer
The Council of Management will meet remotely approximately six weekly but not less than six times a year. The Council of Management shall meet together with the Board of Trustees three times a year.
Agreed and Approved by ACAT’s Board of Trustees 7th March 2014; updated September 2020; July 2023
This site has recently been updated to be Mobile Friendly. We are working through the pages to check everything is working properly. If you spot a problem please email and we'll look into it. Thank you.