ACAT will be moving to a new web site on Thursday, 10th April.
In preparation, from Friday, 4th April this old web site will not let members renew their membership, and any other changes members make, e.g. their personal details, will get ‘lost in the move’.
Urgent membership renewals should instead be done by contacting Alison Marfell.
Anne Crowley and Sarah Major, 2016. Obituary: Zoonia Nazir. Reformulation, Winter, p.43.
The following is dedicated to Dr Zoonia Nazir, our dear friend and colleague.
Very sadly, Dr Nazir died suddenly of an acute illness in October 2015. She was a CAT practitioner and a valued member of MCAT, the Midlands CAT group. She was passionate about CAT and supported its development in the Midlands and offering CAT within the Specialist Psychotherapies service of Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust (BSMHFT). What we will most remember her for is her kindness, unassuming nature, and generosity of spirit. We (Anne Crowley and Sarah Major) were in a peer supervision group with her. Latterly, I (A.C.) and Zoonia were doing peer supervision just two weeks before she died; I sent her an email thanking her for her insightful and helpful input (she didn’t have a CAT case to bring at the time and I feared that she had gained less from the supervision than I had) and she replied with her characteristic humility: “It is so useful to have the discussion with you. I really appreciate it”.
I approached her colleague Dr Simon Heyland, Consultant Psychiatrist in Medical Psychotherapies in her work place (Specialist Psychotherapies Service) who wrote the following:
“Zoonia was raised in her native Pakistan but moved to the UK and settled in the West Midlands where she trained in the psychiatry of learning disability and in medical psychotherapy (adopting British nationality along the way). She practised psychoanalytically and in CAT. Her other interests included the interface between spirituality and psychotherapy, and the fortunes of the Pakistan cricket team. Zoonia was appointed consultant psychiatrist in medical psychotherapy in BSMHFT in 2009 and quickly made it her mission – as psychotherapy tutor – to improve the psychotherapy training for trainee psychiatrists in the trust. It was a delight to see her commitment to her work, her determination to help others, her wisdom and at times her mischievous humour express itself, in her more relaxed moments. Zoonia has an impressive ability to combine gentleness with firmness which made her a very effective colleague. She made a very positive impact in raising the compassion and understanding of her colleagues towards their patients, right across Birmingham and Solihull. Zoonia was a very special person. She will be sorely missed.”
Zoonia had only returned from adoptive maternity leave a little over a year before her untimely death. Her little girl Zara was much loved and will continue to be by Zoonia’s brother, and family. We are missing Zoonia but have been honoured to have known her and have had her as a friend and colleague for even such a short time.
Type in your search terms. If you want to search for results that match ALL of your keywords you can list them with commas between them; e.g., "borderline,adolescent", which will bring back results that have BOTH keywords mentioned in the title or author data.
Iñigo Tolosa- Obituary
McLoughlin, J., Bell, B., 2015. Iñigo Tolosa- Obituary. Reformulation, Winter, pp.36-8.
Val Crowley by her friends in the CAT Midlands Psychotherapists Group Phil Clayton, Eva Burns-Lundgren, Sally-Anne Ennis, Tina Griffiths, Anna Jellema, Jan Mead and Graham Twist
Phil Clayton, Eva Burns-Lundgren, Sally-Anne Ennis, Tina Griffiths, Anna Jellema, Jan Mead and Graham Twist, 2020. Val Crowley by her friends in the CAT Midlands Psychotherapists Group Phil Clayton, Eva Burns-Lundgren, Sally-Anne Ennis, Tina Griffiths, Anna Jellema, Jan Mead and Graham Twist. Reformulation, Summer, p.53.
Midlands CAT - MCAT
Walker, M., 2000. Midlands CAT - MCAT. Reformulation, ACAT News Autumn, p.x.
Obituary for William David “Bill” Bell Thoughts on his passing Jurai Darongkamas for MCAT
Jurai Darongkamas, 2020. Obituary for William David “Bill” Bell Thoughts on his passing Jurai Darongkamas for MCAT. Reformulation, Summer, pp.49-50.
The West Midlands CAT Practitioners Course 2009-2011
Darongkamas, J., Griffiths, Dr T., Williams, O., 2010. The West Midlands CAT Practitioners Course 2009-2011. Reformulation, Winter, pp.41-44.
ACAT Conference 2016: “Resilience in the Face of Change” Reflections on our experience organising the conference at the University of Exeter
Clinical Organisers – Andrea Daykin and Mandy Wildman, 2016. ACAT Conference 2016: “Resilience in the Face of Change” Reflections on our experience organising the conference at the University of Exeter. Reformulation, Winter, pp.35-36.
Book Review: Forced Endings in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Anne Power - Reviewed by Miranda Buckley, 2016. Book Review: Forced Endings in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Reformulation, Winter, pp.41-42.
Brexit means Brexit: the narcissism in an idea
Steve Potter, 2016. Brexit means Brexit: the narcissism in an idea. Reformulation, Winter, pp.29-34.
CPD Trauma and Transference
Dr. Michelle Hamill, 2016. CPD Trauma and Transference. Reformulation, Winter, p.42.
Developing a Mobile Application to Support Cognitive Analytic Therapy
Jo Varela, 2016. Developing a Mobile Application to Support Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Reformulation, Winter, pp.37-38.
Incorporating Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) into Cognitive Analytic Therapy - Reaching Reciprocal Roles that other therapies cannot reach
Dr Alison Jenaway Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy and “Nick”, Service User and Expert by Experience, 2016. Incorporating Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) into Cognitive Analytic Therapy - Reaching Reciprocal Roles that other therapies cannot reach. Reformulation, Winter, pp.21-28.
It’s All About Relationships
Nick Barnes, 2016. It’s All About Relationships. Reformulation, Winter, pp.7-11.
Letter from the Chair of ACAT
Jason Hepple, 2016. Letter from the Chair of ACAT. Reformulation, Winter, p.4.
Letter from the Editors
Nicola Kimber-Rogal and Louise Yorke, 2016. Letter from the Editors. Reformulation, Winter, p.3.
Obituary: Zoonia Nazir
Anne Crowley and Sarah Major, 2016. Obituary: Zoonia Nazir. Reformulation, Winter, p.43.
Reflections on the Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential Training
Teresa Greenfield, 2016. Reflections on the Relational Skills in CAT Supervision Residential Training. Reformulation, Winter, pp.39-40.
Tony Ryle: A Personal Appreciation and Obituary
Ian B Kerr, 2016. Tony Ryle: A Personal Appreciation and Obituary. Reformulation, Winter, pp.5-6.
Use of Cognitive Analytic Concepts; A relational framework for Organisational service delivery and working with clients with Multiple Complex Needs (MCN) at the Liverpool YMCA
Shannon, K. Butler, S. Ellis, C. McLaine, J. and Riley, J., 2016. Use of Cognitive Analytic Concepts; A relational framework for Organisational service delivery and working with clients with Multiple Complex Needs (MCN) at the Liverpool YMCA. Reformulation, Winter, pp.12-20.
“Resilience in the Face of Change”
Nicola Kimber-Rogal and Louise Yorke, 2016. “Resilience in the Face of Change”. Reformulation, Winter, p.34.
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