News and Views

Anna Jellema, Tony Ryle and Clare Fisher, 2005. News and Views. Reformulation, Autumn, p.3.

News from Sunderland – South of Tyne and Wearside CAT Practitioner Training Course

We are now at the beginning of the second year of our Practitioner Course – time certainly has fl own! A big thankyou once again to all those who helped us “get off the ground”! All ten trainees who began the course last autumn are still with us, and fi rst case studies have been submitted. Last year Sally-Anne Ennis and I had strong support in teaching from Debby Pickvance and Steve Clarke, and this year we are looking forward to welcoming Glenys Parry, Val Coumont (our External Moderator), Lorna Cameron, Henrietta Batchelor and Claire Martin as external presenters.

We have also really valued the backing we have had from managers in the Trust, who now see CAT and the Course as making important contributions to the development of Psychological Therapies within the Trust. In the next couple of years we aim to develop a local CPD network along with other CAT Practitioners and Psychotherapists; we also look forward to helping our forthcoming CAT “graduates” further develop their skills, and hope that some may choose to join us eventually as supervisors and trainers!

We had a strong end of year Course Review report, and following the last Training Committee meeting on 30th September we are now in a position to re-advertise the course. Although we have not yet fi nalised dates, the next two-year course is likely to start in mid-September 2006, and as before we expect that training days will be held on Wednesdays approximately once a month (following the initial induction days). Once again we aim to recruit from professionals of all disciplines working in our own Trust, with some places being made available to staff of other Trusts – we give preference to candidates from the north-east and Scotland as it is a long way to travel to access other CAT courses. Flyers and information sheets should be available from November, with interviews taking place in the early summer, and we also expect to run another two-day Introductory Workshop in the next few months, aimed particularly at those thinking about applying for Practitioner Training. Please pass on this information to anyone whom you think may be interested but who may have escaped the eagle eye of our circulation list! Contact us for more information at: or and it will be sent out as soon as it is available.

Anna Jellema
Course Director

Single Case Research Study of Borderline Personality Disorder

This study is now underway. Anyone who is interested in fi nding out more about the study, and how you can become part of it, please contact Tony Ryle at

Tony Ryle

CAT South, Mid and West Wales

On 13th July, a core of people met in Cardiff to form ‘CAT South, Mid and West Wales’. We have planned a programme of quarterly meetings and aim to

• promote good practice in CAT,

• enable and provide training, supervision and CPD and

• support a local network of CAT practitioners.

The next meetings, including presentations on ‘endings’ and ‘the body’ will be on 12 October 2005 and 18 January 2006.

For details or to add your name to our mailing list, please contact Clare Fisher ( or tel: 01495 353700)

Clare Fisher


Special Interest Group for Those Using CAT with Adolescents

Apologies to those of you who tried to get in contact with me and found the email did not work. If you are interested in being part of a special interest group for those using CAT with adolescents, and you have not yet managed to get in touch. then please try again by emailing me at or

Full Reference

Anna Jellema, Tony Ryle and Clare Fisher, 2005. News and Views. Reformulation, Autumn, p.3.

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Jellema, A., 2003. ACATnews: North-East. Reformulation, Autumn, p.6.

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Sarah Lucas, Rachel Pollard and Anna Jellema, 2004. Training Feedback. Reformulation, Autumn, p.27.

Jellema A. Fawkes L. Chanen A. Buckley M. Burns-Lundgren E. and Leiman M. Denman C. Sutton L. Salyer K., 2002. ACAT News. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.5,8-9,16,18.

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ACAT Chair's AGM Report
Mary Dunn, 2005. ACAT Chair's AGM Report. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.34-35.

An Animal Living in a World of Symbols
Jellema, A., 2005. An Animal Living in a World of Symbols. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.6-12.

Attachment, The Body and Trauma
Diamond, N., 2005. Attachment, The Body and Trauma. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.25-26.

Book Reviews
Tony Ryle and Miranda Buckley, 2005. Book Reviews. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.27-28.

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Cristina Fiorani and Marisa Poggioli, 2005. CAT and the Cultural Formation of a Case of Anorexia Nervosa: An Italian Case Study. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.13-17.

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Tony Ryle, 2005. CAT Publications Update. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.28-29.

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Jenaway, A. and Elia, I., 2005. Letter from the Editors. Reformulation, Autumn, p.2.

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Ryle, A., 2005. Long Distance Supervision. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.4-5.

News and Views
Anna Jellema, Tony Ryle and Clare Fisher, 2005. News and Views. Reformulation, Autumn, p.3.

Reviews of ACAT CPD Events
Louise Elwell and Nicola Kimber-Rogal, 2005. Reviews of ACAT CPD Events. Reformulation, Autumn, pp.30-33.

The 'Fast Trauma and Phobia Cure'
Gardner, P., 2005. The 'Fast Trauma and Phobia Cure'. Reformulation, Autumn, p.5.


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