Financial Practicalities

Harvey, L., 2010. Financial Practicalities. Reformulation, Winter, p.46.

It seems that as the NHS is increasingly strapped for cash funding may cease to be provided for necessary CPD or even practice requirements. Below is advice provided by my accountant on how to claim for necessary expenses via tax relief.

How to claim for employment related expenses to be tax deductible when you are employed on PAYE

Many employees incur expenses that are wholly and necessarily incurred in order to fulfil their employments duties, but, for whatever reason they are not reimbursed or are only partly reimbursed, by their employer. This is particularly relevant to individuals who seek supervision for their case loads and incur expenses not only for the provision of same but also in travel. It is equally applicable for the maintenance of CPD as part of professional requirements.

If you complete a tax return, the expenses should be entered on the return in order to obtain relief. However, it is possible to obtain tax relief on these expenses, even if you are not required to complete a tax return. If the expenses are less than £1,000 in the tax year, you should write to your local tax office, quoting your national insurance number and paye reference (from your payslip), and detailing the expenses incurred.

If the expenses are over £1,000, you will be asked to complete form P87.

Time Limits for Getting Tax Relief

The time limits for asking for tax relief for your expenses are shown in the tables below.

Time limits for getting tax relief if you don’t complete a tax return

Time limits for getting tax relief if you do complete a tax return

I hope you have found this useful. If you have any further queries of this nature I am happy to pursue them with my accountant and get back to you. Please contact me and I will send the answers to Reformulation for the next edition.

Linda Harvey

Full Reference

Harvey, L., 2010. Financial Practicalities. Reformulation, Winter, p.46.

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