ACAT Newsletter
August 2017

Welcome again to the ACAT Newsletter – we imagine a lot of ACAT members will be away enjoying some summer sunshine but hope that you will catch up on the latest ACAT news and developments on your return.

This issue follows on from ACAT’s key meetings (Training Committee, Exam Board and Board of Trustees) which were held on 23 June and contains key information cascaded from that day.  We also hope you are enjoying the weekly emails focusing on the International CAT Conference (not many weeks to go now!) – each week highlighting different aspects of what we hope will be an amazing conference.  Please do book soon – workshop booking is now available and places on the workshops are limited.  With ACAT’s Annual General Meeting coming up, nominations are now open for vacancies on the Board of Trustees – please see the AGM section and get a nomination form in asap – closing date 18th August.  Autumn is coming(!) and with it the start of six practitioner trainings - please pass to non CAT colleagues who may be interested.  Also highlighting the closing date for applications for the next CAT psychotherapy training (IRRAPT) - 8 September.  Together with other ACAT news we close with a couple more Tips and Hints in using the ACAT website which we hope will be of use.

Please scroll through the newsletter for more information on all the above – and more.  If you have any queries about any item, you may find the answers on the website or alternatively please contact ACAT’s administration team on:  or 01305 263511

7th International CAT Conference hosted by ACAT and ICATA
'New Frontiers in CAT Understanding and Practice'
Wednesday, 20th September to Saturday, 23rd September 2017
University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus

This year's exciting Conference Programme has recently been updated - please visit the webpage for full details: :
If you're an early riser, join Jason Hepple and Liz McCormick for a session of chanting meditation or Mindfulness........
Be entertained and inspired by a wonderful selection of cultural interludes to include poetry, music and 'portraits', and an international cabaret…....
On Thursday evening we have a book launch and drinks reception, with a raffle prize on offer of £75 worth of SAGE books.....
On Friday evening there is the Gala Dinner, followed by live music from 'Lucas Marks and the Glorious Unknown'.......and an introduction to the 8-step tango!

Workshop booking has now gone 'live' so please don't delay in making your choice and securing a place in your chosen workshop.  For full details of the workshops  - and also of the variety of posters to be presented - Please click here

We have been counting down the weeks with our conference email updates.  Topics to date have included a display of flags to reflect countries represented so far, keynote and plenary speakers, what’s included in the conference package, workshops and book launch.  Look out for a request for feedback - what are you looking forward to? – we would love to hear your views!

We look forward to seeing you at the Conference – a very warm welcome awaits!

ACAT Committee Updates

Updates from Training Committee:

Two new CAT practitioner training courses were approved at June's Training Committee:

1) CAT East/Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust, commencing January 2018

2) Dorset, commencing November 2017

Congratulations and best wishes to Jane Cawdron and Conrad Barnard (CAT East) and Suzanne Lyons and Nicola Coulter (Dorset).

Accreditation forms - a reminder:  ACAT requires the original, signed hard copy of the form, with original signatures throughout (ie not scanned, photocopied, etc) - use of blue ink would be helpful.

Liz Fawkes | Chair of ACAT Training Committee

Updates from Exam Board:

CPD and Re-accreditation in line with UKCP/HIPC QQR
Two of the requirements for ACAT from last year’s UKCP/HIPC Quinquennial Review, which are the responsibility of the Exam Board, are:

1) to update our CPD policy for those ACAT Psychotherapists who are registered with HIPC; and

2) to also introduce a 5-yearly re-accreditation procedure for these Psychotherapists.

UKCP requires all Psychotherapists to undertake a minimum of 20 hours CPD per year and a minimum of 250 hours CPD over a five-year period.  Over the summer we will be re-drafting ACAT’s CPD policy and auditing requirements to represent the differing CPD requirements of Practitioners and Psychotherapists (HIPC and non-HIPC registered).  We hope this will be approved by the Exam Board in October 2017 so that the new policy will be in place by early next year.  We also intend to consult with other HIPC and UKCP member organisations about how to develop a re-accreditation procedure for these psychotherapists.  We intend and hope that it will be suitably flexible and not too onerous (and that it will replace the current auditing procedures for these psychotherapists).  We’ll keep the membership informed of any changes in good time, via the Newsletter, at the time of membership renewal and also via specific emails if need be.

Anna Jellema | Chair of ACAT Exam Board

Exam Board 23 June 2017 Accreditations

Our congratulations to the following:

Debbie Boomer; Susan Walsh; Janet Eddlestone; Carol Gregory; Kate Redman; Julie Blakeley

Stephen Kellett

Rachel Bates; Louise Harrison; Laura Mantle; Robert Lam; Helen Balme; Sonia Wilson; Emma Walton; Victoria Sleight; Diane Grant

One Year Foundation Level Certificate 
Karen Lince; Sarah Partridge; Michelle Pell; Amy Thomson

CAT Skills
Vicky Crowther; Alexandra Fairfull; Kerri Gigg; Yonette Hassell; Cara Heneghan; Gabrielle Kettlewell; Lindsay Parkin; Anthony Reilly; Ashley Simons

Updates from Trustees:

Ethics Panel Chair

The Ethics Panel is seeking a new Lay Chair in accordance with the Ethics Panels’ terms of reference (see below).

This is an important role within ACAT and ideally the person will have a mix of experience and interest in ethics, psychotherapy, HR and employment law, but not all of these bases need covering!

There is good containment and support for an in-coming chair from the Chair of ACAT, Trustees and the vice-chair of the Ethics Panel.  In addition, ACAT’s Concerns and Complaints Procedure provides clear guidance which I have found to be very clear and helpful.

I am asking you to have conversations and promote this amongst any friends or colleagues who you consider may have the necessary experience and enthusiasm. If you, or someone you approach, wishes to speak with someone to enquire more about this, then please get in touch via the ACAT office (, with myself or Henrietta Batchelor, Vice-Chair of the Ethics Panel.

Jay Dudley - Acting Chair of Ethics Panel

Ethics Panel – Terms of Reference

  • The ACAT Ethics Panel consists of a group of senior ACAT members and lay persons who oversee the operation of the ACAT Concerns and Complaints Procedure and advise on the ACAT Codes of Ethics.
  • The Panel is appointed by the Chair of the Ethics Panel on advice from the Chair of ACAT and Board of Trustees.
  • The Chair of the Ethics Panel, who is a lay member of the Panel, is appointed by the ACAT Board of Trustees.
  • The ACAT Ethics Panel consists of at least six members of ACAT and three or more lay members. Further members of the Panel may be co-opted by the Chair of the Ethics Panel on advice from the Chair of ACAT and Board of Trustees as needed.
  • The Panel meets annually to review the operation of the Concerns and Complaints Procedure and the Codes of Ethics and to advise the Board of Trustees on revisions.

Chair ACAT Ethics Panel – Role Description

In consultation with the Chair or ACAT and with the help of ACAT Administration to administer and co-ordinate the ACAT Code of Ethics and Concerns and Complaints Procedure including:

1. Chairing the annual meeting of the ACAT Ethics Panel.

2. Considering initial complaints and, following the provisions of the complaints procedure, referring for conciliation, investigation or adjudication as appropriate.

3. Where required, appointing and instructing investigative and adjudication panels and informing the parties involved, the Chair of ACAT and the Trustees of the outcome of those panels.

4. Reporting the outcome of (2) and (3) above to the Chair and Trustees of ACAT and the Ethics Panel.

5. Reporting annually on complaints to the ACAT AGM.

6. In consultation with the Chair of ACAT and with joint agreement, appointing new members to the ACAT Ethics Panel to form part of the pool of members for the investigative and adjudication committees.

7. From time to time arranging for consultation and review of the ACAT Codes of Ethics and Concerns and Complaints Procedure for endorsement by the Ethics Panel and Board of Trustees.

8. In pursuing this role, the Ethics Chair shall be conscious of her/his role as a lay chair, and will operate in an objective and impartial manner. S/he may seek general advice on CAT procedure and practice from the Chair or Vice-Chair, ACAT members of the Ethics Panel, Trustees or from senior members of ACAT suggested by the Chair of ACAT.

Training Committee, Exam Board and Board of Trustees – 2018 dates

The dates for the 2018 Trustee, Council of Management, Training Committee and Exam Board Meetings are:

January/February 2018 - date to be confirmed

Friday, 18 May 2018

Friday, 19 October 2018

Agenda items, accreditation applications etc will need to be received at the ACAT office at least three weeks prior to the meeting date:

ACAT Training Courses - Practitioner

There are six practitioner trainings across the country scheduled to start in the autumn and new year.

Please click here for details – and scroll to the end of the page.  Please pass on to any colleagues who may be interested in CAT training.

ACAT Training Courses – Psychotherapist 2018-2019

Applications close 8 September 2017

The next two year IRRAPT training is due to commence in January 2018 and applications are now invited.  Applications from accredited practitioners and current practitioner trainees are welcome.  If you are a current practitioner trainee and are interested in applying for the psychotherapy training you do not need to have completed your practitioner training but you must be on case 7/8 and have completed your written work by the time of interview (w/c 2 October 2017).

The course leaflet and more information is available on the ACAT website or you can contact Niki Larsen, Course Administrator, at

Please click here for further information and application details.

Please note:  8 September is the closing date for applications

ACAT Membership Fees

Tax Relief and HMRC

We are pleased to let ACAT members know that the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy is on HMRC’s approved list of professional organisations where members may claim tax relief for their annual membership subscriptions (core subscription).  You can reclaim the tax you pay on fees or subscriptions - but only if you must have membership to do your job or it’s helpful for your work.  Please click here for further information on the ACAT website and for links through to HMRC.

Just a reminder too of the new membership fees coming in for membership year 2017-2018:

Trainees:  currently £82 – new fee £87

Practitioners:  currently £93 – new fee £98

Psychotherapists:  currently £157 – new fee £165

Friend:  currently £47 – new fee £50

Non Practising:  currently £30 – new fee £32

Retired:  currently £30 – new fee £32

Membership Hardship Fund

Whilst mentioning the increase in membership fees, we also want to highlight that there is a Membership Hardship Fund which has been running for the past few years and which will continue to be offered.  This provides assistance to members in financial difficulties.  If you are experiencing financial difficulties and would like to apply for an award of up to 50% (max) of your annual membership fee, please email: in confidence for an application form.  The closing date for receipt of the completed application form for the 2017-2018 membership year is 30 November, 2017.

Tony Ryle Legacy Event – 10 March 2017 - Podcast

Quality checks are in progress and we hope to have an audio podcast of the day on the website shortly.

Social Media

ACAT on Twitter:  Update July 2017 | Rhona Brown

Since the last newsletter update in May, the @Assoc_CAT Twitter account has gained another 120 followers.  A Twitter feed is now included on several of the website pages, so you can see what's being tweeted and follow links through this even if you don't have an account of your own.  Our first Twitter poll asking some basics on how followers identified themselves gained a modest response of just 73 responses, but helped us get a sense of how many followers are actively engaged with ACAT. Much like the Psychotherapy File, it helped to open up some conversations around the complexity of identity and the obvious limitations of a tool like the Twitter poll.

Over May and June the UK has seen several traumatic events unfolding and we're aware that members and friends may have been involved and affected both professionally and personally.  Our Twitter activity has tried to highlight resources and updates which may be useful and relevant to us as a CAT community in response to terrorist incidents in Manchester and London, and the Grenfell Tower fire.  If you have anything you'd like to share to this end, please feel free to contact us.

We try to keep the Twitter feed informative and varied.  This is much enriched through dialogue, reflections and contributions from yourselves and others.  If you have a protected account and want ACAT to follow you so that we can link through direct messaging (DMs), please email us to let Rhona Brown know. 

Tweets over the last couple of months have ranged from early notice of new publications, to news and reflections on CAT-relevant CPD events, conferences and livestreamed discussions across the UK.  We've been able to pass on information about job opportunities, workforce wellbeing and self care, and pointers to ways you can contribute to or benefit from other opportunities shared over social media.  Scroll down the Twitter feed on the website to explore these.

We'll be sharing more information on Twitter Basics prior to the international conference #IntCAT17, including a glossary of commonly used abbreviations to help you get to grips with another 'language' within our international and multilingual gathering.  We hope that social media may add another angle to the conference experience, help us connect before and during the conference, and help maintain international connections with ICATA colleagues despite geographical distances. 

Follow us on Twitter via @Assoc_CAT, contact us at, and check out updates to the Social Media pages


Our Facebook page has been reactivated so please give us a ‘like’!
This is currently being used for CAT event promotion.

CPD Events


Thank you for your feedback regarding ACAT’s CPD events.  We have been monitoring the information provided and are delighted to report that workshops so far this year have achieved a 98% rating of excellent or good!

CPD Workshops – Call for Trainers

Are you interested in running a CPD workshop for ACAT?  We are looking for trainers to run workshops for ACAT’s Autumn and Spring programme and would be keen to hear from you.  For more information please contact

Notice of ACAT’s Annual General Meeting 2017

We hope ACAT members have received the emailed notice of ACAT’s AGM 2017 which is being held on Friday 22 September 2017 during the International CAT Conference (20-23 Sept 2017) in Nottingham. 

Calling for Nominations for ACAT Board of Trustees

The period until 18th August is open for nominations to the Board of Trustees with and without office.   Voting members of ACAT (fully paid up Practitioners, Psychotherapists and Life Members) are invited to submit nominations now.  This year there are eight trustee vacancies including three with office (ACAT Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer).  Please do think about becoming a Trustee – it is an invaluable and interesting role.  Please click here for more information about being a trustee.  Please click here for a nomination form or request one by email from

Original posted forms must be received by the ACAT Office no later than 12.00 noon on Friday, 18 August, 2017.

Voting by Proxy

If you cannot attend the meeting but wish to vote on the reports to be submitted to the AGM as well as resolutions and those nominated to the Board of Trustees, a Voting by Proxy Form will be included in the AGM booklet which will be posted out to ACAT members and also available on the ACAT website from early September.   

Please note:  the closing date for receipt of Voting by Proxy forms is Monday, 18 September, 2017.

Stella Compton – Press Release

Congratulations to Stella on her recently published book:  “The Clinician’s Guide to Forensic Music Therapy”.  Full information can be found on the ACAT website

The Daily Mail has also reviewed recently.


Submissions are invited for both the Winter 2017 edition Reformulation and the Tony Ryle Edition, due to be published late November / early December.  The deadline for submissions is 8 September 2017.  Many thanks to those of you who have already been in touch.

Articles may be between 250, typically 2,000 and exceptionally and occasionally, up to 5,000 words.  Letters and book reviews should not normally exceed 1,000 words.  Further information can be found via or by contacting the editors at

We look forward to hearing from you.     Nicky Rogal and Louise Yorke | Reformulation Editors

Accessible versions of Reformulation

Plain text versions of Reformulation are now available for those with a visual impairment, ranging from the Summer  2012 edition to the current Summer 2017 edition.  To request a Microsoft Word version of any of these publications please email

And finally:

ACAT Website  ||  Tips and Hints

Did you know....?

How to download an attendance certificate?

Log into the ACAT website

You will be automatically directed to your Homepage

Scroll down to the ‘Events’ bar

Click on the ‘Events Attended’ tab

Click on the PDF icon next to the relevant event to download your certificate

Where to find ACAT Accreditation ‘badges’?

ACAT offers accreditation badges for CAT Therapists (Practitioners) and CAT Psychotherapists to use on their websites.

These are dated for the current membership year and will be updated each year.

You will find the badges in the right hand margin on your personal ACAT home page (as long as you’re logged in)

You can save the images and use them by RIGHT CLICKING on the image and selecting "SAVE IMAGE AS". 

Then you can load them onto your website wherever you wish.

Please note that we make no endorsement or guarantee in support of the claims of these badges. If you wish your clients to contact us by phone or email to check on the status of your membership and training, they are welcome to do so.

Next Newsletter

We anticipate the next edition will be in the autumn - November following the key ACAT meetings in October and submissions will of course be welcome – deadline 30 October, 2017 please. 

Best wishes

ACAT Administration Team and all contributors
01305 263511

ACAT Calendar for February
77th February 2025
CPD Event: *Extra Date Added* CAT as a Tool for Leadership - offered by Catalyse
88th February 2025
CPD Event: Reciprocal Roles in the NHS - offered by CAT Cumbria

Contact Details

ACAT Administration Manager:Maria Cross

ACAT Administrator:Alison Marfell

ACAT Financial Administrator:Louise Barter

Postal Address:ACAT
PO Box 6793
United Kingdom

Phone:Click for details

Office Hours:Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

News from ACAT

Click to read all news


This site has recently been updated to be Mobile Friendly. We are working through the pages to check everything is working properly. If you spot a problem please email and we'll look into it. Thank you.