ACAT will be moving to a new web site on Thursday, 10th April.
In preparation, from Friday, 4th April this old web site will not let members renew their membership, and any other changes members make, e.g. their personal details, will get ‘lost in the move’.
Urgent membership renewals should instead be done by contacting Alison Marfell.
The group meets in Birmingham, which we chose because it is a central location, although we could meet elsewhere. At our meetings we usually start by taking it in turns to describe how we have been using CAT in our work and explore various issues that arise. This gives each of us a chance to think about creative ideas and problem solving, as well as exchange useful resources. We also have various projects and plans which we take forward at the meeting. You can also email me at
Published by Julie Lloyd on
ACAT Administrator - published 3rd Feb 2014
Susan Van Baars - published 6th Apr 2016
Susan Mitzman - published
ACAT Administrator - published 30th Oct 2008
ACAT Administrator - published 28th Jan 2009
This site has recently been updated to be Mobile Friendly. We are working through the pages to check everything is working properly. If you spot a problem please email and we'll look into it. Thank you.