The AGM will take place at the NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations), Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL, on Friday 23rd May 2025, 12:10 to 13:10.
Items for the AGM agenda or proposed resolutions to be received by Tuesday, 22nd April 2025 at the latest.
Request for Nominations to the Board of Trustees
It is required by our Memorandum and Articles of Association that at each AGM at least one third of trustees stand down (with the opportunity to stand for re-election if so wished). The maximum number of trustees at any one time is twelve.
Nominations for election to the Board are invited from voting members of ACAT (ie fully paid-up practitioners, psychotherapists, and life members), and from lay people. Currently a maximum of two lay trustees are permitted on the Board at any one time.
Nominations will open on Tuesday 1st April 2025 and will close at noon on Tuesday 22nd April 2025.
A nomination form will be available from 1st April.
Nominations received after the closing date will not be included.
The list of those nominated and therefore standing for election will be detailed in the AGM booklet of papers which will be available (online) from 1st May 2025. The booklet will also contain an agenda, annual reports, and annual accounts. As in previous years, the booklet will not be printed.
Voting by Proxy
If you are a full voting member and cannot attend the meeting but wish to vote on the reports and accounts, as well as nominations to the Board of Trustees, it will be possible to appoint a proxy.
‘Voting by Proxy’ will open on Thursday 1st May 2025 and will close at noon on Tuesday 20th May 2025.
The proxy form will be available from 1st May.
Requests for a proxy vote received after the closing date cannot be accepted.
Attendance at the AGM is free and is open to all members.
We very much look forward to seeing you.
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