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19th Annual ACAT Conference Summary Programme
19th Annual ACAT Conference Summary Programme Thursday 5th July, 2012 Friday 6th July, 2012 Saturday 7th July, 2012 09:00 - 10:30 Plenary Session - Main Lecture Theatre 1. 'Connecting, splitting and attending - dialogue...
ACAT Consultation 2016 Report and Feedback to ACAT Members Contents 1. Matters Consulted on 2. Summary of Member Responses to Consultation 3. Response from ACAT Board of Trustees 4. Member Responses to Consultation 5. Previously Unpublis...
Conference Workshop Programme and Posters 2017
Conference Workshop and Poster Presentations 2017 Main Conference page: http://www.acat.me.uk/event/890/ Please note that times and contents may be subject to change Once you have booked to attend the Conference, please select to attend one works...
Library The library has been reorganised, and will make searching for references and articles more straightforward. The bibliography lists all articles about CAT (including chapters of CAT books) that we are aware of. If you know about an article ...
Website Privacy Policy Privacy and cookies Protecting your Privacy, the ACAT Promise "Because your data and privacy are so important, I wanted to let you know that when you share your information with ACAT, we take our responsibilities and ob...
Welcome to ACAT Welcome to the website for the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT), a registered charity. We welcome members of the public, health professionals, ACAT accredited professionals, and anyone interested in finding out more ...
The CAT Library, and Bibliography The ACAT library has been a very helpful source of publications about CAT. It was first established in 2009 and a major undertaking. It allowed members to download peer review articles and some chapters. Due to copy...
The Story of Research into Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Tony Ryle Research has always been integral to the CAT approach. Dr Anthony Ryle, the founder of CAT, comments that: “Working with patients to find the best descriptions of what it was we ...
CAT Competences: Skilful CAT in Practice
Developing a competence framework for Cognitive Analytic Therapy One of the ways in which psychotherapies are adopted in the NHS is through the publication of competence frameworks. These are formal documents, available online, which set out in clea...
What has been written about CAT?
What has been written about CAT? Reformulation This is the newsletter for the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy. It is published twice a year and is free to members. You can read more about Reformulation by clicking here: More about Refor...
Adaptations to CAT Training during the Covid-19 period, and Remote and Hybrid Training In May 2020 due to the impact of Covid-19 on CAT training we agreed the following Key Principles: • ACAT will not be lowering standards as regards the lear...
Inter-Regional Residential ACAT Psychotherapy Training (IRRAPT) Psychotherapy training enables CAT Practitioners to become Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapists via an additional two-year assessed course, which leads to eligibility for registration wi...
CAT Foundation Training The CAT Foundation course, accessible to professions with prior training in psychological therapies, aims to equip trainees with the CAT skills and competencies for working primarily within one to one therapy roles, usually i...
Introduction to CAT Courses ACAT CAT Introductory workshops are designed to stimulate interest in CAT and keep ACAT members up to date. They are not ACAT accredited trainings and do not equip someone to offer CAT as a psychological therapy. These a...
Recently Published CAT Research
Recently Published CAT Research This is a listing of selected recent research publications or summaries about cognitive analytic therapy since 2014. They are generally written for a professional or academic audience. We are producing some more acces...
CAT with people with a personality disorder
The experience of using Cognitive Analytic Therapy with clients with personality difficulties Introduction I qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 1990 and work in the NHS in Secondary Care Adult Mental Health services. I subsequently trained in C...
CAT with people with eating disorders
Cognitive Analytic Therapy in the treatment of eating disorders Over the last two decades, Cognitive Analytic Therapy has been used increasingly widely in the treatment of eating disorders. There are currently two small RCT's in the literature ...
ACAT Email Newsletters We send out two or three ACAT e-Newsletters each year to subscribed members. Previous newsletters are now on the site as an archive in case you are interested in what's been going on in ACAT... "There were many reas...
Members of ACAT's Council of Management Chair of ACAT - Jessie Emilion The Chair of ACAT chairs both the Board of Trustees and Council of Management. The role involves setting the strategic direction for ACAT with the Trustees and overseeing the...
Recent Additions to the ACAT Library
Recent Additions to ACAT's Digital Library Under ACAT's Copyright Licence we have sourced a number of new papers and articles about CAT from current and past issues of psychology and psychotherapy journals. The current list of references tha...
Website Privacy Policy Privacy and cookies Updated December 2023 Protecting your Privacy, the ACAT Promise Because your data and privacy are so important, when you share your information with ACAT, we take our responsibilities and obligatio...
ACAT Code of Ethics and Practice Revised and Amended. Approved at ACAT’s AGM on: 11 July 2014 Revised October 2018; October 2019; October 2023 INTRODUCTION The following is intended to guide the ethical and professional conduct of members a...
Code of Ethics and Practice for Training and Supervision
ACAT Code of Ethics and Practice for Training and Supervision Revised and Amended. Approved at ACAT’s AGM on 11th July, 2014 Introduction The purpose of the Code is to establish and maintain standards for trainers and supervisors who are mem...
Concerns and Complaints Procedure
ACAT Concerns and Complaints Procedure Revised and Amended. Approved at ACAT’s AGM 11 July 2014; revised February 2018; May 2020 Abbreviations The following abbreviations will be used throughout this document: ACAT: Association for Cog...
Concerns and Complaints Appendix 1 Ethics Committee
Concerns and Complaints Procedure Appendix 1: Ethics Committee Ethics Committee: Terms of Reference The ACAT Ethics Committee consists of a group of senior ACAT members and lay persons who oversee the operation of the ACAT Concerns and Complaints P...
Concerns and Complaints Appendix 3 Mediation
Concerns and Complaints Procedure Appendix 3: Mediation Guidance Mediation as a means to conciliation and resolution: It is a key practice principle of ACAT’s Concerns and Complaints Procedure, that “informal resolution of concerns and...
Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
ACAT Guidance: Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Published December 2015 This document should be read in conjunction with ACAT’s Code of Ethics and Practice and ACAT’s Code of Ethics and Practice for Training and Supervision...
Board of Trustees ACAT is governed by its Trustees. They have overall responsibility for the development of ACAT and for setting the general direction of the organisation. Their roles are separate from the members of the Council of Management a...
Council of Management The ACAT Council of Management has responsibility for the day to day running of ACAT. Members are co-opted, and as listed below. The work of the Council of Management is conducted by periodic remote meetings and interim ema...
The Training Committee The Training Committee is responsible for developing a national strategy for all levels of CAT training and accreditation - practitioner, psychotherapy, supervisor, foundation, and skills. It approves, monitors, and audits t...
Aims and Scope of Reformulation
Aims and Scope of Reformulation Editors: Editors: Ceara Geoghegan, Claire Moran Sub Editors: Alison Jenaway, Carol Gregory Editorial Advisor: Elizabeth McCormick Reformulation is committed to upholding a broadly based view of the Cognitive Analy...
Consent to Publish in Reformulation
Consent to Publish in Reformulation This article is a description of the consent requirements for authors submitting articles that describe detailed clinical material about clients. Our aim is to remind authors of the need to get informed consent fr...
CAT or Can You Make a Mad Man Sane?
Cognitive Analytic Therapy, or Can You Make a Mad Man Sane? Alan Wayne Whiskerd Alan has given his permission for us to use his story. When I was asked to write this, I must admit I was surprised and just a little bit daunted. What follows is an ...
ACAT Newsletter 1 - April 2010
ACAT Email Newsletter 1 - April 2010 Welcome to this first edition of our new ACAT e-newsletter. There were many reasons for thinking that we needed a more informal and light-hearted format for sharing information within the CAT community. I gue...
ACAT Newsletter 2 - August 2010
ACAT Email Newsletter 2 - August 2010 I’ve recently returned from the ACAT Annual conference at Hertfordshire University – an immensely enjoyable and successful two days. Good lecturers and a great range of workshops. Several people ...
ACAT Newsletter 3 - March 2011
ACAT Email Newsletter 3 - March 2011 Since getting involved in ACAT I have occasionally thought about it as a swan – sailing gently and serenely down the river – whilst paddling furiously underneath. The newsletter will, I hope,...
ACAT Newsletter 4 - December 2011
ACAT Email Newsletter 4 - December 2011 Click here to Download this Newsletter as a PDF I didn’t think I’d be writing this with Christmas in sight, but the long gap since the publication of the previous newsletter is down to the w...
ACAT Newsletter 6 - December 2012
ACAT Email Newsletter 6 - December 2012 Season’s Greetings to you all! I expect this will be finding its way into your inbox with only a few days to go to Christmas, so I hope you all have a good break and a renewal of energy to gr...
ACAT Newsletter May 2017 Welcome to the ACAT Newsletter – our “in brief” update on the latest ACAT news and developments which we hope will inform members and help people to feel in touch with their Association. In this editi...
ACAT Newsletter August 2017 Welcome again to the ACAT Newsletter – we imagine a lot of ACAT members will be away enjoying some summer sunshine but hope that you will catch up on the latest ACAT news and developments on your return. This issue...
Additional information on using Twitter
To read ACAT's 'Social Media guidance for use for ACAT members' please follow this link - https://www.acat.me.uk/page/acat+and+social+media. The following articles are reproduced from ACAT Newsletters in 2016 and 2017, plus tips on usin...
Programme 0830 to 0930 Registration 0930 to 0940 Welcome and Housekeeping 0940 to 1040 Keynote: Dr Aaron Balick '404 Error – Intimacy Not Found: How technology is undermining our capacity for relational...
Speakers Dr Aaron Balick '404 Error – Intimacy Not Found: How technology is undermining our capacity for relational complexity – and what to do about it' Abstract: In an era where digitally mediated networks appear to make c...
Equality and Diversity Resources
The EDC collated a resource list on Equality and Diversity issues in 2018. ACAT members can download a copy of the resource list from your home page under Cat Practice/CAT Tools/Training Document – Equality and Diversity Reading and Resource L...
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