19th Annual ACAT National Conference
5th July 2012 to 7th July 2012

This event is Fully Booked.

WARNING! This event has passed.

Please note:     
The Conference now shows as fully booked but there are a few places remaining.  Bookings will need to be via the ACAT office 0844 800 9496 before 5pm on Tuesday, 3rd July.  There is now no online booking available.  The office will be closed after this date until Monday, 9th July.

19th Annual ACAT National Conference
5 pm on Thursday, 5th July to 5 pm on Saturday, 7th July, 2012
at the Manchester Conference Centre
Weston Building
Sackville Street
M1 3BB

“Multiple Relationships - using and doing CAT with Individuals, Groups, Families, Teams, Organisations and Cultures”

Please note:  bookings for this event will close at 5pm on Thursday, 28th June, 2012

Overnight accommodation at the Days Hotel cannot be guaranteed after  6th June, 2012.
Please book asap.
Student rooms cannot be guaranteed after 19th June, 2012

Click here for the Programme Summary

Letting CAT out of the Bag......

ACAT's national conference will be in the North of England for the first time in 2012 and will be an opportunity to bring together the wide range of developments in CAT around the UK and from our international colleagues.  Our hope for this conference is to take stock of the CAT model and its methods and how it is being developed so extensively in the UK.   In particular CAT seems to be developing a reputation as a versatile therapy that can work in partnership with other approaches and offer an over-arching relational framework.  In CAT we have found that the early collaborative reformulation and active mapping element of CAT helps engage with the multiplicity of processes both within the individual, his or her interpersonal world and within the wider social context.  We want to use the conference to open up and showcase this work and find out more about the principles and practice of working simultaneously with internal and external processes cognitively, analytically and dialogically. 

We have a rich and exciting variety of contributions with a mix of plenary presentations and workshops.   The conference is all about the multiplicity of applications of CAT, the versatile ways of doing it, research evidence into it.  The social purpose of the conference is to affirm and build the communities of practitioners within a national and international federation of peers.   We are coming together to share and test out our ideas.   We hope the conference will be a time for reflection on what we are doing, an opportunity to hear new and familiar voices and make links. 

Our plenary speakers this year are all from the CAT community and their topics are the latest developments in CAT whether in relation to formative influence of early interactions, consultancy skills, working with the issues of later life, applying CAT in groups, research evidence, families and couples as well as with distinctive groups of individuals.  

We are particularly pleased with the diversity and quality of workshops being offered.  Some of these are in pairs of forty five minute sessions with two distinct presenters others have one or two people co-presenting for a longer 1.5 hour workshop.   We hope the wide selection will match the diversity of interests in the CAT world.  Some will be hot tickets and in order to have the fairest way of booking into these workshops we propose to open online booking into the workshops on 18 May, 2012 for those who have paid for their places at the conference.   We will do our best to meet everyone’s needs but given room size and presenter preferences and the nature of the workshops some will fill up quickly.   We feel that the process of sharing and comparing contrasting experiences in the breaks will more than make up for possibly not being able to go to the workshop of your choice.   We also will note which are popular workshops and put the case for offering those as CPD events in the future. 

STOP PRESS:  We are thrilled that the launch of the 4th edition of Liz McCormick Wilde's highly regarded book "Change for the Better" will be on Friday evening prior to the Conference Dinner.

The programme summary is now available for download

- please scroll further down this page.  Please note that ACAT reserves the right to change the programme at any time.

The venue is a good setting for a conference and we will be making newcomers welcome and helping people connect with each other as part of the conference organisers’ roles.   Manchester Conference Centre is a campus venue right in the heart of Manchester and a few minutes’ walk from the main railway station (Manchester Piccadilly).  It is ideal for a CAT conference offering meeting rooms, lecture theatre and accommodation all on one site.  The conference is designed as a two-day plus one evening, residential conference at which people can meet, mix, share ideas and professional support.  Those who can only attend one of the days are also welcome and can book accordingly

Thank you for everyone who has offered contributions and we look forward to welcoming you to the Conference.

Ruth Carson, Cheryl Delisser, Steve Potter and Susan Van Baars
Conference Planning Group

Delegate Information: 

Please follow the link to the Manchester Conference Centre for further information about the conference venue and the overnight accommodation which is all situated within the same building in central Manchester:  http://www.manchesterconferencecentre.co.uk/front-page/

Car Parking:  there is a multi storey car park next door to the venue open seven days a week - for full directions to the car park and map etc please go to:  http://www.manchesterconferencecentre.co.uk/uploads/Finding_the_MCC.pdf

Conference Address:
Manchester Conference Centre
Weston Building
Sackville Street
M1 3BB

Booking and Other Useful Information:

BOOKING MULTIPLE OPTIONS: If you wish to book multiple options click on them one at a time and then return to this page to click each additional item. Repeat this process until all the items are in your basket.

Early Bird Discounts:
Early Bird Discounts for online bookings - now closed. 
Early Bird Discounts for invoiced bookings - now closed.

The closing date for bursary applications (30 April) has now passed and bursary applications are now closed.

Overnight accommodation is available as part of the conference package and within the conference site.
However, if you live in or near Manchester and would like to offer a room to a fellow conference delegate please contact Susan Van Baars, ACAT Administrator (admin@acat.me.uk).  If you would be interested in accommodation with a Manchester ACAT Member please contact Susan, email as above.

Enquiries concerning booking:
By email:  admin@acat.me.uk or phone: 0844 800 9496

Ways to Book (please note bookings will close at 5pm on Thursday 28th June, 2012):
• book and pay by credit or debit card online instantly - please see the booking options on this page
• use the downloadable booking form to pay by cheque and post to the ACAT Office, PO Box 6793, Dorchester, DT1 9DL
• use the downloadable booking form to request your employer be invoiced and email to: admin@acat.me.uk or post to the ACAT office at PO Box 6793, Dorchester, DT1 9DL.
Please note cheque and invoiced bookings attract an additional charge of £10.

Cancellation / Refund Policy:
A refund, less a £25 admin fee, will be made if cancellations are received, in writing, at least four weeks before the event.  We regret that any cancellation after this time cannot be refunded and refunds for failure to attend the event cannot be made.

Programme Changes: 
Please note ACAT reserves the right to make programme changes.

Data Protection:
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, the data controller in respect of your personal data is the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy.  Your data will be used to administer the event to which you have subscribed.

Please note:   Bookings close at 5pm on Thursday, 28th June, 2012

Delegate Fees - ACAT Members

Whole Event - Members includes Thursday evening, Friday Delegate, Conference Dinner, Saturday Delegate with two nights’ b&b accommodation - standard ensuite on site - £350.00 (a saving on booking components individually)

Whole Event - Members includes Thursday evening, Friday Delegate, Conference Dinner, Saturday Delegate without b&b accommodation £270.00 (a saving on booking components individually)

Individual Components if you wish to book separately:
Thursday Evening Only including Welcome Plenary, Reception and Barbeque £40.00  
Friday Day Delegate including lunch and refreshments excluding Dinner and Reception £105.00
Saturday Day Delegate including lunch and refreshments £105.00 
Conference Dinner and Reception - Friday £40.00 
B&B Accommodation - Standard Ensuite on site room £40.00 per night
B&B Accommodation - Days Hotel ensuite on site room £87.00 per night  

If booking is invoiced or paid by cheque an additional £10 administration fee is payable

Delegate Fees - ACAT Non-Members 

Whole Event – Non-Members - includes Thursday evening, Friday Delegate, Conference Dinner, Saturday Delegate with two nights’ b&b accommodation (standard ensuite on site room) £380.00  (a saving on booking components individually)

Whole Event – Non-Members - includes Thursday evening, Friday Delegate, Conference Dinner, Saturday Delegate without two nights’ accommodation £300.00  (a saving on booking components individually)
Individual Components if you wish to book separately:
Thursday Evening Only including Welcome Plenary, Reception and Barbeque £45.00
Friday Day Delegate including lunch and refreshments excluding Dinner and Reception £120.00
Saturday Day Delegate including lunch and refreshments £120.00
Conference Dinner and Reception - Friday £45.00
B&B Accommodation - Standard ensuite on site room. State night(s) required £40.00 per night
B&B Accommodation - Days Hotel. Ensuite onsite room. State night(s) required £87.00 per night

If booking is invoiced or paid by cheque an additional £10 administration fee is payable

Details and Booking Information

5th July 2012 to 7th July 2012

You can book this event online if you are registered or logged into this site. Click here to register or log in using the boxes at the top of this page.

Our Next 2 ACAT Annual Conferences

23rd May 2025
29th ACAT National Conference

23rd May 2025
ACAT National Conference 2025


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