Web-site restrictions

ACAT will be moving to a new web site on Thursday, 10th April.

In preparation, from Friday, 4th April this old web site will not let members renew their membership, and any other changes members make, e.g. their personal details, will get ‘lost in the move’.

Urgent membership renewals should instead be done by contacting Alison Marfell.

CAT Practitioner Training - Cornwall
21st September 2011 to 30th June 2013

WARNING! This event has passed.

CAT Practitioner Training - Cornwall

26th September 2011 – 1st October 2013

Applications are invited now for this two year Practitioner training which is run by Cornwall Partnership Trust but is also open to non-Trust employees. The training is accredited by ACAT and Sheffield Hallam University.

The course aims to provide high quality training in the theory and clinical application of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. This enables professionals with a core professional training and established competence in their own field to enhance their understanding and skills in psychotherapy using the CAT model. The taught component of the course is spread over two years and consists of training days, seminar groups, supervised clinical work by an accredited ACAT supervisor, and a personal therapy experience of a 16 session CAT.

CAT involves developing an active collaborative therapeutic relationship with the client and is particularly applicable to work in NHS settings with people with complex needs. In year 2 this course will place particular emphasis on working with complex clients and applying CAT concepts contextually.

Following successful completion of the course trainees will be accredited to practise CAT within their core professions and will be entitled to become full members of the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT), in addition to receiving a Post Graduate Diploma from Sheffield Hallam University.

The course is also relevant to individuals who wish to acquire the practitioner training as a prelude to applying for further training as a CAT Psychotherapist and registration with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). This involves further selection procedures and two additional years of training on completion of the Practitioner Training.

Course Team
The Course will be directed by Lid Tristram, Chartered Counselling Psychotherapist and Daniel Robins, Chartered Clinical Psychologist. Lid and Daniel will also offer supervision. The training team consists of Sarah Cluley, Kate Freshwater, Jason Hepple, Steve Potter, Yvonne Stevens and Claire Tanner.

UK Council for Psychotherapy

Details and Booking Information

21st September 2011 to 30th June 2013

For external applicants there is an application fee of £60 to cover processing and the interview process. For those not called to interview this will be refunded.

Training fees are £3000 per annum per trainee. This includes the cost of training days, seminars, supervision, 2 CAT books (‘Intro to CAT’ and ‘CAT for BPD’), tutorials, marking, Sheffield Hallam University fees, and ACAT’s annual registration fee for the duration of the taught part of the course. It does not include the cost of personal psychotherapy, although we can help people to find suitably personal therapists.

If supervision is to be sought elsewhere then a fee reduction will be negotiated.

How to apply:
Applications should be submitted by 1st August 2011. However, if there are still places available after that then late applications will be considered. We recommend checking by contacting Daniel Robins by e-mail to Daniel.Robins@cft.cornwall.nhs.uk

Applicants are asked to submit a completed application form (please download from below). We also require a personal statement giving an indication of your current therapeutic approach and what you hope to gain from training in CAT (300 – 500 words) and why it is important for clinicians to develop an understanding of their own emotional life (300 - 500 words).

Please send completed applications and personal statements to Daniel Robins, West of Cornwall CMHT, Bolitho House, Laregan Hill. Penzance, TR18 4NY. Suitable applicants will then be called for interview.

Applicants not employed by Cornwall Foundation Trust will also need to enclose the application fee of £60 by cheque payable to Cornwall Foundation Trust (refunded if applicant not called to interview).

Further Enquiries:
For further information please download the information leaflet further down this page. For further enquiries please contact Daniel Robins, in the first instance by e-mail Daniel.Robins@cft.cornwall.nhs.uk

Course Information can be downloaded from further down this page.

Our Next 2 CAT Therapist / Practitioner Training Courses

9th October 2025
Catalyse CAT Practitioner Training 2025-27

12th January 2026
Newcastle & NHSE (North East) CAT Practitioner Training 2026-2027


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